How to Connect Squarespace to Google Search Console

By: Ed Harris / Published: December 29, 2020 / Last updated: June 28, 2024

Google Search Console is a powerful, free tool that will help you understand how your website is performing in organic search results. Connecting your Squarespace website to Google Search Console is easy. In this quick guide and video we’ll show you how to connect Squarespace to Google Search Console and how to start exploring the organic website traffic data this unlocks.

Connect Squarespace to Google Search Console in 4 Easy Steps

Squarespace includes a built-in integration that makes some Google Search Console data available in the Analytics Dashboard. Follow these simple steps to create a Google Search Console account and connect it to your website:

  1. In your Squarespace dashboard, navigate to Analytics > Search Keywords
  2. Click the black “Connect” button
  3. In the popup window, enter your Google Account login details to sign in
  4. When prompted, click the blue “Allow” button to authorize Squarespace to connect with Google Search Console

That’s it! It will take 2-3 days for data from Search Console to start appearing in your Squarespace Analytics account. Check out the video above for a preview of what the data looks like once it starts populating.

Why should I look at the data in Google Search Console, in addition to in the Squarespace Analytics dashboard?

While it’s great that Squarespace allows you to pull some Search Console data into the Analytics dashboard, you can learn a LOT more about your organic search traffic and rankings if you explore the data directly in Google Search Console.

To do this, go to, and log in using the same Google account you used when you connected to your Squarespace site. Once you’re logged in, click into the Performance tab, and you’ll see familiar-looking data organized around the four metrics listed above.

What data does Search Console provide?

When viewing your website’s performance data in Google Search Console, you’ll see the same four metrics that are pulled into Squarespace: total clicks, total impressions, average click-through rate, and average position. You can click each of these to toggle them on and off on the graph. Note that when the metric is displayed on the graph, a column is also added on the table below that displays that metric for each row.

  • Total Clicks is how many times users clicked through to your website from Google search results.
  • Total Impressions is the number of times users saw a link to your website in Google search results.
  • Average Click-Through Rate is the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click through to your website.
  • Average Position is the average numerical position that pages from your site appeared in the search results, with “1” being the first website link in the search results.

Above the graph, you can adjust the date range displayed.

In the table below the graph there are several tabs you can explore. The first tab shows the search terms your website is ranking for.

You can drill down to explore the metrics for a specific search query or a specific URL on your website by clicking the relevant row in the table data. This will add a query or page filter to the results, which shows which search terms or keywords a page is ranking for.

Here a few final tips:

  • Click the column headings in the data table to sort the data by clicks, impressions, click-through rate, or average position.
  • Display more rows of data using the dropdown menu below the data table.
  • Export data from Search Console in a spreadsheet or as a Google Sheet using the Export button in the top right corner.

Additional Resources

Once you have your Google Search Console account connected, adding a sitemap is an import next step! Check out our guide to adding a sitemap to Google Search Console here.

Use our Squarespace SEO Checklist to start improving your website’s organic search performance. You’ll be able to see your results using Google Search Console.

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